
Buenos Aires,

City as Beast

LPEP Artist Residency in the barrio, challenged me to make art about this winding, layered monstrous overwhelming city that I knew nothing about. My Spanish was infantile, the storms were something out of the Tempest and the I was terrified of getting lost. Terrified.

I’m so glad I agreed to the task.

(Like BA, this page is under construction)

The Art


La Paternal Espacio Proyecto, LPEP Artist Residency, in the Paternal Barrio was not very close to the city’s center. But it was impressed upon me that my work should be about this city, this city that stopped my heart as I saw just how large and sprawling it was as my little plane circled for landing, this city that moved to rhythms I didn’t now and tripped over myself to learn, this city so steeped in histories I was unaware of, with music, tango, parades and protests winding through European architecture, muddy streets and unending construction.